Tuesday, February 2, 2010


In April, I served with the Gospel Coalition’s executive administrative team for the
2009 conference. That’s right—I edited announcements with D.A. Carson, was Mark Driscoll’s neighbor at the Hyatt, and rubbed shoulders with John Piper C.J. Mahaney! What a dream! Ha—really, we just ran their errands, directed thousands of men, and served so much that we got to attend few sessions ourselves. It was completely exhausting—as are most rewarding experiences. I was honored and filled with joy to serve over 3,500 pastors as they drank in the wisdom from today’s prophetic voices, learning how to better minister to their local church congregations. Those of us that helped, left praising God for his grace, which allowed a small, young, and inexperienced group of adults to pull off such a large and kingdom-significant conference.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

adam really wanted to go to that...sure it was great!

Thanks for reading!!!

Thanks for reading!!!
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