Monday, April 23, 2007

Repentance on Legion Field

Last night, we finished our most recent 21 days of non-stop prayer with Tribe Issachar. We ended with a time of public worship and repentance at Legion Field on campus. Young and old made it out, a group of 60 year-olds and 20 year-olds-- a beautiful site before our God. Below is a prayer my director, Mike Satterfield encouraged us with. I wanted you to read it, so you could know how to pray for us. Again, if you live in Athens and want a quiet place to pray, come downtown to the prayer room and join us. (For more info:

To agree with God about sin; to turn away from and change one’s mind about sin
To be done with worldliness
For do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?
It’s what we need to do tonight

For the wickedness of a nation
For the thousands of unborn lives that are sacrificed on the alters of convenience and choice
For the Pulitzer Prize winners, and Nobel Laureates, for the Diplomats and Heads of State, the elementary school teachers and college professors, the athletes, the mothers and fathers of future generations whose lives have been snuffed out before they had a chance to be heard
For the rivers of innocent blood that flow in our streets
For our lack of moral outrage as a people
For valuing the amassing of wealth over and above the value of human life
For striving to become rich in finances instead of poor in spirit
To him whom much is given, much is expected
I can think of no other nation on earth in the last 5 decades that has been given what we’ve been given and it terrifies me to think of the Judgment of God that is yet to come
It’s what we need to do tonight

For the waywardness of a generation
For buying hook, line, and sinker every lie that our TV’s and radios tell us
For allowing ourselves to become so anesthetized to violence through the media that school shootings and the murdering of one’s own parents would become common place in our culture
For becoming not just tolerant but enamored with pornography, so that what passes for PG-13 in movies today would not have been given a showing 50 years ago
We prosecute the sick deviant who watches through the window of a private residence under cover of darkness and then we enter into a dark theater and do the same and call it entertainment
Woe to a generation that calls evil good and good evil

For clinging to an entitlement mentality that believes that everybody owes us something, especially God
Woe to this generation for getting that right, for what the Holy One owes to us, what we rightly have earned by our repulsive sin, Scripture says is death and Hell
It’s what we need to do tonight

For our corporate sins as the Body of Christ
For our pride and arrogance, looking down our noses at people who are “different” from us
For the naiveté that would presume that this present generation of college students and 20–somethings will eventually settle down and return to their Christian roots when they have been given no roots to return to
For the rampant spirit of religious ambition that keeps pastors and ministry leaders focused on their little “k” kingdoms instead of our Master’s Capital “K” Kingdom
For the same spirit that makes us divisive and suspicious of one another instead of submitting to the Holy Spirit who longs for us to embrace one another in Christ
For the club-house attitude that is pervasive in much of American Christianity that puts the happiness and contentment of its members above and before being missional in a community
For ferociously guarding our favorite padded pews instead of falling on our knees before Almighty God
For seeking comfort and complacency instead of going and serving and wading out into the muck and mire of humanity up to our elbows in an effort to love people who are made in the Image of God
For being ashamed of the Gospel so as to water it down and make it about happiness instead of righteousness
It’s what we need to do tonight

For our individual sins – the pet sins that we keep chained up and hidden away that we think no one sees, that we rationalize about and stroke and feed and nurture
You know which ones
Even now as I speak God brings them to your mind
Be done with them

For our apathy about sharing the Gospel while 9 out of 10 people around us on this campus is dieing and going to Hell
For making time to watch 24 and see Jack Bauer save the world when we won’t go to the trouble to see one person saved from the wrath that is to come
For sitting down to watch Grey’s anatomy every week when we put forth little or no effort to invite the Great Physician to examine our hearts and lives
For ritualistically gathering to see this week’s episode of Lost when we don’t even see those right next door to us who are eternally lost
For choosing worldliness over Godliness
For indulging in the lust of our flesh instead of crucifying it
For rallying to the battle cry of this generation when they say “Live for self!” instead of embracing the heart-cry of our Lord who says “Die to self!” Tonight, men and women, we must repent

God is ready to move now
The time has come now
The tide is sweeping in now
The dam is breaking and the enemy can no longer hold back the flood of the Holy Spirit

We cannot make it happen
We cannot manipulate our God by our cajoling and vowing like the pagans do
We cannot be strong enough, kind enough, smart enough, relevant enough, or good enough
Tonight, there is one thing, and one thing only that we can and MUST do

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