Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Fall is well under way and we’re rolling with it. Below is our series for the fall semester. Hope you enjoy. Don’t forget to go and listen to the mp3s on our site .

Broken. Seems like we as people are good at breaking things. Let's face it, breaking a thing is much easier than putting a thing together. And all around us are testimonies to our laziness…broken things…relationships…lives…people…In our culture, many of the structures that God ordained and set in place have been broken down and lay in shambles. Is there any hope to rebuild the walls of a broken generation?
Nehemiah was a man used of God to do just that. God's people had forgotten what it was to live whole before Him. They had given up and accepted broken as a way of life. God used Nehemiah to remind them that while brokenness of spirit is desired by God in our lives, living broken is not God's heart for His people. Together, they rebuilt walls. Could God do a similar work in our day? In your life?

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