Wednesday, September 12, 2007


So it's been a while... well, let me catch you up! We're a month into the semester and...

** We're embarking on our fourth week of teaching through Nehemiah and meeting on Tuesdays. Our group is still meeting at Mike's house... relocation to our downtown space is still pending with the city council. But we are enjoying the hospitality and coziness that the Satterfield home provides. God has met us and been very kind as students are sharing with one another and growing to trust the leading of the Spirit during our corporate times together. Our time of prayer for one another has been particularly encouraging. Students whom wouldn't ordinarily share their struggles with our large group have been doing so, giving other students the opportunity to experience serving and ministering to others in a new way. Pray that God would continue to grow us up into Christ in this way and that we would not just coast through our times together.

** I took Samantha, Krista, Tara, Tiffany, Ashley, and Katie to Saint Simon's Island over Labor Day weekend for a time of seeking Christ through rest and prayer. It was a great time connecting with one another and being with the Lord... At the beginning of each semester there is a sense of rush and busyness that can be distracting from fellowship with believers and Christ himself-- I feel like this weekend was fighting against that, spiritually speaking.

** Every Wednesday our staff team meets with directors of other ministries in Athens to pray. This has been a crucial time as we learn from, pray for, and encourage one another. I have seen a genuine move of the Spirit-- creating unity in the body of Christ here in Athens... This morning there seemed to be a weariness among the group. Please pray that God would be our source of encouragement, strength, and hope as we do Kingdom work here. Pray too that we would be faithful in leading the groups God has given to us... not building on the foundation of Christ with wood, hay, and stubble, but building with the gold, silver, and precious stones.

**In other news, I have continued taking my trapeze class... which is always lots of fun. My hope is not only to learn cool tricks and get killer arm muscles (smile), but that this would serve as an outlet to build friendships with people who don't know Christ. Please pray that God would help me love and care for my fellow trapeze enthusiast;)

Thanks again for reading and keeping up with me. Thanks all the more for your prayer. Drop me a line and catch me up with your life if you have time!

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